Jaguar News Desk


The Beast is loose again --- JAGUAR V6 is out !


JAGUAR V6 ePace development now started - new prototype versions available via STAR EXPRESS.


JAGUAR V5.0 published :

V5.0 is based on JAGUAR eType prototype version, eType is no more supported.

Huge amount of new cool features included. Documentation is linked into JAGUAR itself: just move the mouse cursor over some specific display area and press keyboard key H (=HELP).


New JAGUAR V4.0 rocks:

Have a ride with the hottest MW software ever !

V4.0 is kind of a cornerstone version in our project: pretty well tested (tnx guys!) and perfectly documented (tnx AB/BM/JKP!). There are some known issues which are addressed later but generally this should be stable performer and solid work horse in 24x7 use. Quite likely some bugs will still appear at times, they will be fixed as soon as possible.

Some Jaguar Pro users may still prefer older Jaguar V3 and that's perfectly OK but pre-V4 versions will not be maintained/fixed anymore.

From now on our project will continue with new challenges and ideas. We will test new features using RAD (Rapid Application Development) model: new features will come and go with fast cycle, best practices are kept on board and some day in 2020-2021 we'll squeeze the next fully documented Jaguar version out of the features which we have tested during prototyping.

We will publish a new Jaguar prototype binary very often (sometimes daily) - we might call it "eType" as a tribute to the iconic classic car Jaguar E-TYPE: we just happen to play now with an e(lectronic proto)type. These prototypes will probably contain lots of bugs but we try to keep it solid enough all the time so that it can be used also in "production" (=live mode / recording new data / 24x7 operation).

We will open discussion group soon focusing on Jaguar eTYPE development - more info will be sent later to all Jaguar Pro users.


V3.100 Final Version available:

Our development team has made great job and squeezed out another diamond. This version will be the main version in 2018-2019 hunting season - but there will be parallel V4 development from now on.

This full package contains also JAGUAR HANDBOOL in PDF format serving as a complete reference guide for Jaguar V3.100 operations. This is the first raw version with no images - getting better little by little. Updated version will be maintained in the download center.

All users: if you want to contribute or just observe V4 development, please send a message. V4 will have another instance of EXPRESS info window and those development messages will not be visible to V3.100 users.


V3.100 Beta is out showing the way to the future - version number is based on Finland's centenary year.

Documentation pending - but if you have used Jaguar earlier, you'll see that this is smoother and easier to use than any other Jaguar version - most of the features are self-guided and clear without documentation. Just look'n feel - play and enjoy !

All users: if you have anything for V4 wishlist, just drop me a note.


"Jaguar Headquarters" is closed between Dec.14th and Jan.22nd due to long travel. After that we'll continue development skipping V3.1 and jumping directly to V3.100. Major changes can be expected :-)


First V3.1 Beta available for testing via Jaguar's STAR EXPRESS service.


Cat Crept In

I said a hey you guys
Look who's awaitin' outside
Well she got style - you can see it in her feline eyes


Startup should be easy and intuitive (main functions are the same as in V2) but otherwise V3 is "different" .
V3 documentation not yet available but "Learning mode" (tooltips) may help in the beginning.

PS. Fixpack included 1.November.2017 including critical fix for W10 Update 1709.


Important message about Perseus.exe compatibility: if you have enabled SOLAR DATA (TOOLBAR > SETTINGS),
the 2MHz output files can not be played with Perseus.exe. Solar data is saved into the wideband file header
and Perseus.exe seems be using that data area for something else. SOLAR DATA is now not the default in the updated V2.9.


Jaguar V2.9 arrives !! This V2.9 contains several hot new features like TIMEWHEEL, TOPHOUR, OLL MASS UPDATE, STICKERS, CATBOX, NOTES, END key, SOLAR DATA collector, TOOLBAR changes, LOGGERBAR changes, GAPS LOCK-button and renewed ANTENNAS control: full list of changes.

This is the end of Jaguar V2 development line - from now on the focus will be on brand new beast - Jaguar V3. Please send a note if you want to take part in or follow V3 development => you'll always get the latest info & exe via the upcoming auto-update feature (TEMP.zips no more used in exe delivery). More info in Jaguar V3 White Paper.


Jaguar V2.8 ("XMAS EDITION") now available for Jaguar Pro and Jaguar Lite. Contains previous fixpacks and some new features for Pro version (Velleman relay board support, enhanced bearing map, direct MWLIST Turtle download etc).

Happy holidays and good luck in hunting !


Jaguar V2.7 is out! Lots of new features but the goal has also been to get a solid & stable software platform for the whole MW season 2016-2017 and freeze the development for a while. Also Jaguar Lite has been upgraded to V2.7 level.

Gentlemen: let the hunting season begin!


Ready for the new MW season ?

Just when you thought Jaguar has it all ... Jaguar V2.6 creeps in .... you ain't seen nothing yet until you download V2.6 ... proudly introducing "Tomcat" .... (and much more) ! Now boostered by a fixpack (Aug.21 version replaces the original V2.6 released on Aug.12).

After recent update Microsoft Defender does not like our Wild Cat (flags it as malware) so you have to exclude Jaguar folder from AV checks.

Note: Also Jaguar Lite users have now access to Jaguar Browser (new version also for Lite is available). New Jaguar Lite opens up several Pro features also to Lite users. These features include Turtle MWLIST version and Tomcat - data used in these features are based on other people's work so we think it is fair play to offer our work based on them for public use in turn.


Jaguar V2.5 is out !

This is the main Jaguar release until next fall. TEMP.zips will be published whenever time permits but in June I'll be globetrotting so not much development in early summer.

Bug reports and new development ideas are appreciated all the time. Bugs will be fixed asap also during summer.


HOT NEWS: HDSDR software can play both Jaguar's file types (= Perseus native 2MHz & Jaguar's own 1.6MHz) out of the box! Many DXers say that HDSDR gives better audio than Perseus.exe so I see no reason why any Jaguar user would use the 2MHz sampling rate anymore if he wants to have an alternative for Jaguar audio: with 1.6MHz you'll save 20% disk space and 20% CPU, still covering the whole MW dial.

9 April 2016:

EASTER EGG revealed: with pressing ALT-Z you'll set the new important feature ON/OFF: "Minutemarker" - one of the best tools ever included in any SDR - now users never miss any TOM (Top-Of-the-Minute). Network connection required. Function will be available as long as copyright permits. --- Congratulations to the winner of this EASTER EGG competition: GS will be the proud owner of genuine Jacksonville Jaguars t-shirt.

CloudIQ support: Jaguar will not get the support for CloudIQ for the upcoming MW season 2016-2017. Instead the next major changes will be

73 / IPA